Tyred hyfryd foreu tawel

(Boreu tawel)
Tyred hyfryd foreu tawel,
  Tyred hafaidd ddedwydd ddydd,
Pan ga'r dorau pres eu hagor,
  Pan y delo'r caeth yn rhydd;
    Rho arwyddion, &c.,
  I fod hyny yn nesâu.

Trwy y niwl a'r tywyll gwmwl,
  Gwelaf draw yr hyfryd wlad,
Nes yw'm ffydd yn llefain allan,
  Dacw ddedwydd dŷ fy Nhad:
    Dyma ddigon, &c.,
  I mi lwyr anghofio'm gwae.

Yn y wlad 'r wy'n myned iddi,
  Mi gaf ddianc ar fy mhoen, -
Gorphwys byth tu draw i ofid,
  Yn nghymdeithas Duw a'r Oen;
    Ni ddaw tristwch, &c.,
  Byth i mewn tros fryniau'r nef.

Ni bydd yno gofio beiau,
  Dim ond llawn faddeuant rhad;
Cofio'r groes,
      a grym y cariad,
  A chlodfori am y gwaed:
    Darfu ofni, &c.,
  Daeth llawenydd yn ei le.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [878747]: Dix (Coral Ellmynig)

  Daethum trwy afonydd dyfnion
  Dechrau canu dechrau canmol
  (F')enaid egwan paid ag ofni ('Dyw d'elynion ...)
  Mae fy enaid am/yn ehedeg
  Nid oes yno gofio beiau
  Rhwng cymylau duon tywyll
  Trwy y niwl a'r tew gymylau
  Wele'n dyfod ar y cwmwl (Mawr yw'r enw ...)

(A quiet morning)
Let a delightful quiet morning come,
  Let a summery happy day come,
When the doors of brass get opened,
  When the captives come free;
    Give signs, &c.,
  That this is drawing near.

Through the fog and the dark cloud,
  I see yonder the delightful land,
Until my faith cries out
  Yonder is the happy house of my Father:
    This is enough, &c.,
  For me completely to forget my woe.

In the land I to which I am going,
  I shall get to escape from my pain, -
To rest forever beyond grief,
  In the fellowship of God and the Lamb;
    Sadness shall not come, &c.,
  Ever within over the hills of heaven.

No remembering of faults shall be there,
  Only full free forgiveness;
Remembering the cross,
      and the power of the love,
  And extolling for the blood:
    Fearing perished, &c.,
  Joy came in its place.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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